Good Measure is an association of philanthropic organizations who work together with community partners to creatively and strategically use data to amplify impact.
Good Measure works to:
• Invest in the data measurement and analysis skills and practices of service providers;
• Advocate for community data systems, access and infrastructure efforts;
• Encourage and equip funders to support grant partners’ data and evaluation work;
• Support nonprofit efforts to build strong cultures of learning, where data is regularly used to guide program and organizational improvement.
How Change Happens
Invest in nonprofit data and evaluation training and resources.
Encourage and equip funders to support grant partners’ data and evaluation efforts.
Advocate for community data systems and infrastructure.
Collectively we build and sustain cultures of data, learning and inquiry…
To amplify community impact
Our History
A Steering Committee of five Central Texas funders forms under the name “Evaluation and Learning Collaborative” with backbone support by Mission Capital. Together, they begin to strategize around how to collectively support organizations in Central Texas in using evaluation practice and data for program improvement.
First Data Institute is launched, a full day conference that sparks grant partner and funder interest in continued learning and capacity building opportunities for nonprofit partners.
Newly branded “Good Measure” launches Measuring What Matters, its first capacity building offering for nonprofit teams. A webinar series on data visualization is also created and made available to grant partners.
Good Measure adds a new capacity building offering to its portfolio, Data Leaders Academy, designed for individual nonprofit staff seeking to become data and learning champions within their organizations and community. A second Data Institute conference is offered to the nonprofit community and Good Measure publishes its Guiding Principles for Funders and Principles for Data Learning Champions.
While continuing to support Measuring What Matters, Data Leaders Academy, and an alumni peer learning group, Good Measure launches Partners in Measurement, a funder learning series designed to explore how funders can effectively support grant partners in their use of evaluation practice and data. The collaborative also releases its first request for proposal to fund projects that support the data ecosystem in Central Texas, and creates and Advisory Committee of additional community funders to support the work of Good Measure.
Good Measure continues to offer its full suite of capacity building opportunities to grant partners and funders alike, recently adding a new Coaching Circle designed to help senior nonprofit leadership tackle data and evaluation related challenges. The group is launching its second request for proposal to fund innovative projects that strengthen data use in Central Texas, and plans to host Data Institute+, its largest event to date, in the fall of 2020.
Steering Committee
Andy Roddick Foundation | Applied Materials Foundation | Hogg Foundation
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation | St. David’s Foundation
Advisory Committee
Anderson Charitable Family Foundation | Georgetown Health Foundation
Genevieve and Ward Orsinger Foundation | Webber Family Foundation Notley Ventures