Which Good Measure Program is Right for Me?


This time of year, many of our community partners ask us how Good Measure programs differ from one another and which one might best meet their needs. While Measuring What Matters, Data Leaders Academy and Coaching Circle are all structured differently, our three core programs are designed for nonprofit staff who are…

  • Curious about data and how it can be best used for learning and improvement

  • Committed to dedicating time over several months to chart their own unique data learning journey

  • Eager to share with and learn alongside nonprofit peers and professional coaches

Measuring What Matters is a data and evaluation capacity building series designed to help nonprofit teams make progress on a specific data or evaluation-related goal through a peer cohort model, customized coaching, resource sharing and additional project funding.Consider applying for Measuring What Matters if your team…

  • Has a data or evaluation-related goal that you’d like to make progress toward with the help of a professional coach and cohort of peers.

  • Believes regular touch points (class days, workshops, coaching calls etc.) would provide a helpful structure and accountability for your team to make progress toward your goal.

Data Leaders Academy is designed for individual nonprofit professionals who are seeking to champion effective data and evaluation practices within their organizations.  This series includes a combination of in-person learning sessions, an individualized learning plan, coaching and a professional development stipend.Consider applying for Data Leaders Academy if you..

  • Are interested in developing your personal knowledge around data and evaluation practices, including the nonprofit evaluation process, innovative ways of sharing data, equitable evaluation, and collecting feedback from your clients.

  • Want to help your organization build a culture in which data is regularly collected and utilized for strategic learning and program improvement, and build your network of peer nonprofit evaluators.

Coaching Circle offers nonprofit senior leaders the opportunity to identify creative solutions to complex data and evaluation related challenges within their organizations. With the guidance and support of a network of peers and the skills of a certified coach, you’ll learn together and improve your skills over a series of regular meetings.Consider applying for the Coaching Circle if you…

  • Are a senior leader or manager with specific duties related to overseeing organizational data and evaluation efforts and strategic learning.

  • Have a least one data or evaluation related challenge for the Coaching Circle to discuss and address. Ideal challenges or issues are things that urgent, significant, and that you have the authority to act upon.

Please email us if you have further questions about Good Measure programming or which opportunity may be right for you!


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